mWeb Testing - Low Bandwidth & High Latency

It is important to look and feel how the website performs when connectivity is extremely bad. While designing or building mobile website, think about poor and unreliable network as key performance differentiator. Your service or website can be damn good, but if due to such network limitation it kills customer experience (for e.g. transactions are failing),  it just adds into bad remark on your part. So better to be ready building website which performs well even with such barriers.

There are several tools available which can help you to emulate and simulate low bandwidth & high latency.

#1: Emulate Network Throttling

Chrome DevTools provide variety of options to test with different download/upload and round-trip time. Refer to previous blog on how to use "DevTools".

#2: System Tools (macOS) 

Network Link Conditioner on macOS when you are using Xcode for development.

#3: Device Emulation

Android Emulators provide way to simulate various network conditions while running apps or testing on mobile browsers.

#3: Test from different locations and/or networks

Web Page Test is an online application to perform testing from different location and/or networks.

There are other commercial tools available such as "Charles" or "Fiddler" which provide similar access & feature to simulate network throttle.



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