Improving Mobile Site (mWeb/mHTML) Performance/Loading Speed

Note: This blog is keeping current Chrome Version (57) in mind. Options may change upon Chrome version upgrades.

Below are the four simple steps to be followed or performed before publishing Mobile Site (mWeb/mHTML). These steps will ensure that all basic checks have been performed to evaluate site performance under network throttle or site performance under low network speeds.

Irrespective of, you are getting reports for slow response or you are doing "Performance Testing", I believe these are the steps to be followed by developers before committing code into the repository or before publishing website to the world.

STEP1: Setup Browser for Analysis

1. Open Page you are designing or open page which is getting reports for slow response time.
  • While the page is in focus, press Command + Options + I (if using mac machine) or press Control + Shift + I (windows/linux)
  • This will open DevTools on the page within browser (DevTools are the mechanic provided by almost all browsers to enable developers with quick debug, diagnosis & analysis).
  • Enable "Capture Screenshots", which turns BLUE when enabled. 
  • DevTools captures screenshots during the page load.
  • Go to Network Tab.

STEP2: Emulate a Mobile User Experience (MobileUX)

Testing mobile website performance on desktop or on WiFi/Broadband network is quiet deceiving. Broadband/WiFi networks are comparatively faster. Also desktop machine capacities & browser cache capacities are quiet higher than mobile. (Though the latest evolution in high capacity devices are breaking these barriers). So the first thing we need to do here is to emulate Mobile User Experience within DevTools.

 1. Enable "Disable Cache". Click on checkbox to enable it, as outlined in below screenshot.
 2. Change Network Throttling from "No Throttling" to "Regular 2G" or "Regular 3G"  options as highlighted in the below screenshot.

Browser's DevTools will setup browser to mimic for worst case scenario where mobile network speed is upto 2G/3G experience.

STEP3: Analyze Requests

Figure out what's making page slow by reloading page. Look at load time for each item/component against how much time it takes to load them in actual. There are few pointers to look for. For e.g.

E.g. 1: Find Render/Blocking Scripts

Browser pauses rendering page and execute the script immediately whenever it founds a <script> tag within HTML. There can be few scripts which aren't needed for page load or can be loaded later. Mark such scripts as "asynchronous" or "defer" their execution to speed up page load time.

E.g. 2: Find large requests

When page loaded, investigate all the images, logo, video, contents or items which took longer than expected time to load on the page. Identify if any of them can be suppressed or optimized to improve performance.

STEP3: Make Changes & Re-run

Make changes to code/design to achieve performance goals. Keep re-running DevTools to evaluate different load times and deliver a finely tuned website to end customers.



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